It can be hard deciding when to purchase a vehicle and trying to get the best deal for your purchase. So when’s the best time of the year for buying a new car?
A recent TrueCar study has found that August is the best time to purchase a new vehicle. August has the lowest transaction prices that equals almost to a 2.5% decrease over pricing of any other month and around $720 savings over the monthly average. August also has the lowest prices for SUVs.
The study used car sale data from 2009 to 2014. It found that car dealer are looking to get rid of old vehicle models and inventory in the late summer and early fall. The worst month of the year to buy is March.
The study also found the best day to purchase a new car. Sunday is the best day to buy a new car. Buying a car on Sunday can save you an average of $2,000 dollars than buying it on the most expensive day, which is Friday.