Posted on 5/26/2015
We all need to remember to stay safe on the road. It only takes a moment of distraction for a tragedy to occur. As we take driving into the 21st century, we have started to realize how many things can prove detrimental to our ability to get behind the wheel safely. Here, we’ll go over texting while driving, and why it has become the new menace of the road. The Menace: Driving requires perfect attention. It only takes a second of looking into the wrong direction for another car to hit you. All of the time you spend looking at your phone, you might as well drive with your eyes closed. Statistics: 1,600,000 people die every single year because of texting while driving according to the National Safety Council. The average text requires about 5 seconds of your time. Traveling 55 mph, you can cross the distance of a football field.Teens have the highest risk of te ... read more
Posted on 5/14/2015
Staying safe on the road requires a lot of focus; it only takes an instant for a wreck to occur. Many things can increase the likelihood of a car wreck, most commonly we think of drunk driving. However, another comparably dangerous activity exists: sleep deprived driving. We’ve put together some information about this menace of the road here. Don’t Drive Sleep Deprived: Here at Newton’s Car Care, we care about our community’s safety. When driving, that means staying focused and clear headed on the road the entire time. When you get tired, you can’t do that. We encourage you to find an alternate solution to driving sleep deprived. National Sleep Foundation: The NSF has found that, based on participants studied, 1/3 of them self reported having completely fallen asleep behind the wheel on the road at least once. They also found that the people most susceptible to sleep deprived driving included young women and men, ne ... read more